| CHANGE IN ENTRY FOR IWE APPLICANTS - Tuesday, February 02, 2010 The Basic Educational Requirements has been revised. SWS urges all qualified engineers involved with welding and related technologies to apply for the IWE qualifications as the transition period arrangements will expire on July 2011 after which all candidates will need to undergo full training courses and examinations.
| Invitation to Become a S-ANB Authorised Training Body - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 As SWS has become an Authorised National Body (ANB) of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), it is now in a position to conduct examinations leading to internationally recognised IIW diplomas available under the Transition Arrangements or Standard Routes.
| Article on Transition Arrangements Access Routes - Tuesday, April 22, 2008SWS is pleased to announce that, at the recent meeting of the International Authorisation Board (IAB) Group B of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) on 14 and 15 January 2008 in Paris, SWS was granted 1-year preliminary authorisation status as an IIW-approved Authorised National Body (ANB), thereinafter known as S-ANB. Full authorisation status would only be granted after a full initial successful audit by IIW some time at the middle of this year read more ...
| S-ANB of the IIW - Thursday, November 01, 2007 SWS has become a member of the IIW since 2001 and taken the decision to become an Authorised National Body (ANB) of the International Welding Institute (IIW) in Singapore. In each country IIW normally allows only one ANB to be the sole organization responsible for ensuring welding personnel training and certification programmes, and standards of education, examination and qualifications are within the IIW guidelines and requirements. In Singapore, SWS is in the process of applying to be an ANB of the IIW. When approved by the IIW, possibly sometime in 2008, S-ANB would be able to certify internationally recognized professional qualifications of welding personnel, such as IIW International Welding Engineer, International Welding Inspector, International Welding Practitioner, etc, who have undergone through structured training programmes conducted by an Authorised Training Body (ATB) approved by S-ANB and IIW.

| Press Release-Welding Fabricator - Friday, December 21, 2007International Certification for Manufacturing Companies.. read more ...
| International Education, Qualification & Certification Systems in Welding - Friday, December 21, 200This paper gives an overview of the International System focusing on the training guidelines and the quality assurance system developed. Systems for harmonisation of Certification of Welding Personnel and for supporting companies using welding to implement ISO 3834 have been developed by EWF and are presently being transferred to IIW in line with the EWF/IIW agreement established in 2000 read more ...